Setup |
Download files required for the lesson |
00:00 |
1. Introduction to RStudio
How do I use the RStudio graphical user interface?
00:15 |
2. Analysing Patient Data
Intro to IDE
How do I read data into R?
How do I assign variables? (object-oriented programming)
What is a data frame?
How do I access subsets of a data frame?
How do I calculate simple statistics like mean and median?
Where can I get help?
What is plotting
01:15 |
3. Analysing Patient Data
How do I make a function?
How can I test my functions?
How should I document my code?
01:30 |
4. Making Choices
How do I make choices using if and else statements?
How do I compare values?
How do I save my plots to a PDF file?
02:00 |
5. Addressing Data
What are the different methods for accessing parts of a data frame?
02:30 |
6. Dealing with Messy Data
What do I do when my data is messy?
03:00 |
7. Best Practices for Writing R Code
How can I write R code that other people can understand and use?
03:15 |
8. Dynamic Reports with knitr
How can I put my text, code, and results all in one document?
How do I use knitr?
How do I write in Markdown?
03:45 |
9. Understanding Factors
How is categorical data represented in R?
How do I work with factors?
04:15 |
10. Data Types and Structures
What are the different data types in R?
What are the different data structures in R?
How do I access data within the various data structures?
04:55 |
11. Loops in R
How can I do the same thing multiple times more efficiently in R?
What is vectorization?
Should I use a loop or an apply statement?
05:25 |
12. Analyzing Multiple Datasets
How can I do the same thing to multiple data sets?
05:45 |
13. Command-Line Programs
How do I write a command-line script?
How do I read in arguments from the command-line?
06:05 |
14. The Call Stack
What is the call stack, and how does R know what order to do things in?
How does scope work in R?
06:35 |
15. Making Packages in R
How do I collect my code together so I can reuse it and share it?
How do I make my own packages?
06:55 |
Finish |
The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.