This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

Lesson Title

R for Official Statistics is for those who are looking to start using R in the production of Official Stastics. Over 2 days, participants will learn the basics of R, data manipulation, and best practices that they can employ in their work. Participants will learn how to make reuseable code that others can read and use in the future.


There are no prerequisits for this course


Setup Download files required for the lesson
00:00 1. Introduction to RStudio How do I use the RStudio graphical user interface?
00:15 2. Analysing Patient Data Intro to IDE
How do I read data into R?
How do I assign variables? (object-oriented programming)
What is a data frame?
How do I access subsets of a data frame?
How do I calculate simple statistics like mean and median?
Where can I get help?
What is plotting
01:15 3. Analysing Patient Data How do I make a function?
How can I test my functions?
How should I document my code?
01:30 4. Making Choices How do I make choices using if and else statements?
How do I compare values?
How do I save my plots to a PDF file?
02:00 5. Addressing Data What are the different methods for accessing parts of a data frame?
02:30 6. Dealing with Messy Data What do I do when my data is messy?
03:00 7. Best Practices for Writing R Code How can I write R code that other people can understand and use?
03:15 8. Dynamic Reports with knitr How can I put my text, code, and results all in one document?
How do I use knitr?
How do I write in Markdown?
03:45 9. Understanding Factors How is categorical data represented in R?
How do I work with factors?
04:15 10. Data Types and Structures What are the different data types in R?
What are the different data structures in R?
How do I access data within the various data structures?
04:55 11. Loops in R How can I do the same thing multiple times more efficiently in R?
What is vectorization?
Should I use a loop or an apply statement?
05:25 12. Analyzing Multiple Datasets How can I do the same thing to multiple data sets?
05:45 13. Command-Line Programs How do I write a command-line script?
How do I read in arguments from the command-line?
06:05 14. The Call Stack What is the call stack, and how does R know what order to do things in?
How does scope work in R?
06:35 15. Making Packages in R How do I collect my code together so I can reuse it and share it?
How do I make my own packages?
06:55 Finish

The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.